In-house lawyers & general counsel
We offer multi-disciplinary legal support to in-house lawyers and general counsel, giving you access to a dedicated group of lawyers across a range of services and levels of seniority.
We work with in-house lawyers on a flexible bespoke basis to make sure that requirements for legal support are delivered in line with client needs, expectations and budget. Our teams offer better value for money than more traditional means, such as further in-house recruitment or buying external legal advice on an hourly rate.
Our approach is focused on delivering a high-quality service and value for money. Seeing technical excellence as a given, we focus on providing a tailored solution to best meet your requirements. At Gateley, we pride ourselves on being down to earth and straight talking; we do not use arcane or fancy words to create an aura of technical excellence. We deliver advice in plain English with a focus on the outcome you want.
We understand that the work of an in-house lawyer can be varied and unpredictable, covering a wide spectrum of responsibilities. Balancing the expectations and goals of your business with commercial and legal considerations is a skill central to in-house counsel roles. At Gateley we seek to support, educate, enable and connect in-house lawyers in order to assist with the navigation of this complex blend of priorities.