We embed the vital targeted skills and behaviours that leaders need to transform your organisation.

The reality is we’ve never lived in more uncertain and volatile times and leaders are facing unprecedented demands. Alongside our behaviour change methodology of Provoke, Plant and Practise, each of our uniquely designed leadership programmes incorporates all the different methods by which we learn and sustain new behaviours.

We design programmes for you – with you

Developing leaders is not just about increasing what they know, but transforming what they do and the culture within which they work. We’ll work alongside you to create a unique programme which targets your organisational goals. Each intervention is designed to offer highly pragmatic solutions developed from cutting edge research and qualified, first-hand experience.

t-three...provided a vast amount of evidence around their experience working with leaders and using some aspects of neuroscience to actually help leaders.

How we deliver results

  1. Provoking Tools: Unique diagnostic tools such as Facet5 and Truth-Teller help leaders to build a strong level of self-awareness around their current behaviours, and – more importantly – understand how to change them.
  2. Innovative delivery: Today’s leaders need fresh, innovative, personalised learning experiences. Our innovative delivery methods (like leadership sprints and flipped workshops) are truly engaging learning experiences, especially when delivered by our fantastic people.
  3. Making It Real events: Our Making It Real events are designed to simulate the pressures of your workplace. They give leaders the chance to try out new behaviours and practice the approaches they have learned – 86% of participants said it was the most powerful learning experience of their career to date.
  4. Behaviour change doesn’t occur in a workshop: Sustained behavioural change does not miraculously occur in an hour long workshop – it needs to be truly embedded and people nudged to maintain their new behaviours. That’s why all our programmes are structured around our Provoke, Plant, Practise methodology, and we’ve developed the technology and processes needed to make this easy and accessible.

Driving real behaviour change

To achieve tangible, sustained transformation, our ProvokePlantPractice model forms the foundation of our approach to behavioural change and is integrated into everything that we design.

Find out more