
Heather acts for many of the top 10 housebuilders in the UK. She advises on heads of terms and initial constraints, through to negotiation and settlement of contracts, options, land promotion agreements and transfers and leases on immediate and strategic land acquisitions, land options and conditional contracts including preparing for the sale of plots.

Heather also works for registered providers in particular on supported housing schemes including nomination and void agreements facilitating these projects to completion.


  1. Property acquisitions, often by way of contracts conditional on planning and other contingencies.
  2. Acting for a supported housing provider on over 250 schemes of varying sizes, including mixed use schemes, nomination and void agreements.
  3. Disposals to registered providers.
  4. Producing detailed title and due diligence reviews with a focus on solutions.
  5. Advising on leases and ancillary landlord and tenant arrangements.