“The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise person knows himself to be a fool” –William Shakespeare
Shakespeare has been prophetic on many things, but Dunning and Kruger take this idea one step further, suggesting that the less competent we are in a given area, the more likely we are to unknowingly exaggerate our own competence. The keyword here is “unknowingly.” Those affected aren’t aware that they’re overestimating their own ability. In David Dunning and Justin Kruger’s original studies (1), people who scored the lowest on tests of logical reasoning, grammar, and sense of humour had the most inflated opinions of their skills. On average, they believed they did better than 62% of their peers, but in reality outperformed only 12% of them.
The other great irony attached to this is that the more senior people become in an organisation,the more they are prone to the Dunning-Kruger effect!
In his 2019 book ‘Rebel Ideas’ (2), Matthew Syed speaks about the equally powerful concept of Growth Mindset (originally popularised by Carol Dweck). As Syed points out:
“Progress is not about proclaiming how much you know, but finding out what you don’t know. It is about finding weaknesses quickly so that they can be turned into strengths...It is about a mindset that is expansive –none of us have all the answers, so let’s discover new ideas...This is sometimes called the growth mindset”.
Matthew Syed recently cited Satya Nadella, Microsoft CEO, as a perfect example of someone creating “a growth mindset at an organisational level”. Nadella has generated more than $250 billion since taking the role in 2014 and puts his success down to creating a learning culture, inspiring employees to embrace a “learn-it-all” curiosity as opposed to a “know-it-all” mindset.
This ties in completely with research we conducted earlier this year into the Future of Leadership. We identified 3 key themes: the need for purpose, the need for authenticity and the need for awareness. Awareness describes the need for leaders to become experts in not knowing and therefore: